Tuesday, 28 October 2014

Create Your Own Vector Shape With Illustrator in sydney

Most of the images that you often see on websites are raster graphics and made up points, which describe lines and curves. One of draw programs that use vector graphics is Adobe Illustrator. Graphics are excellent for diagrams and logos that may need to output at various sizes. Learn how to make your own vector graphics with illustrator by the following steps:

Step 1:
There are plenty of methods to create vector graphics through illustrator, and one such method is to begin with the type tool. For this, you first click on the Type Tool and then type a word, suppose you type “VECTOR” word. You can choose colors as well.

Step 2:
Now, select your text and right-click, click on “Create Outlines” to outline your text.  Besides, you can use Shift + Ctrl + O as a shortcut on making outlines as well.

Step 3:
Now you have to create various vector shapes, and you can start by pulling first and tearing off Shape Tool of the Illustrator, so that you can see all the various shape applications Illustrator can provide. After that, starts with the Rectangle Tool create a square, and click on the rectangle tool icon and then click on the Illustrator canvas. Now, set the settings as pointed out on the accompanied adobe illustration. Remember; make the size equal on both sides.

Step 4:
Now to need to make a rounded square using the “Rounded Rectangle” Tool with the same process as you has created the rounded square in the step 3.

Step 5:
By using the “Ellipse Tool’, make a circle for the third shape, same way you have created square in the previous step and set a same size of the width and height of the circle. After that, create a hexagon using the “Polygon Tool” and set the size 50 percent smaller and then type on its sides 6 for 6 sides of a hexagon. For the fifth shape, you need to create a star using the “Star Tool”, and the Set the size of the shape is 50 percent smaller for its first radius and then 1 /3 smaller for its second radius. After that, type in 5 for 5 points on the star

Step 6:
Finally, to create a vector is to use the “Pen Tool”, and use this tool to draw or trace shapes. In this case to complete your artwork draw a small heart. You can also add in colors of the shapes along with vectored text. If you want to learn many other ways, then you need to join any illustrator course Sydney, and one such course is adobe illustrator cs6 training.

Post from hear :- http://bit.ly/Yp2vQr